102.3 Max FM

‘Your Honeymoon Is More Important Than Your Wedding Reception’-IK Osakioduwa

Written by on August 16, 2018

IK Osakioduwa, a Nigerian radio and television on-air personality recently posted a video where he talked about the importance of honeymoon for a couple.

The Media Personality who is known as a brilliant host, said that having a honeymoon is even more important than a wedding reception.

39 year old IK Osakioduwa who got married to his wife, Olohije Osakioduwa in 2008, laid emphasis on the intimacy of a fresh couple and how honeymoon helps to strengthen that. This advice was posted online to advice people who are planning to get married, to make them aware of the fact that kids could show up at anytime and they would have missed out on necessary alone time with their spouses.

He captioned the video:

“Hey Peeps, some random #CoupleStuff. I think it’s important for people to start paying more attention to planning for a honeymoon. It’s soooooo important. You may not get the time for trips with your spouse for a while. Kids could show up at anytime (even when you’re trying to wait). I’d say it’s even more important than having a HUGE wedding reception”

Read an excerpt of his statement below:

“Actively save and plan to have a honeymoon. I know many people now go without one and they say it is because of cost. No, you can go anywhere. Go to Ibadan, Calabar, Yankari games reserve.

Just go somewhere and have a honeymoon. Escape from the craziness. What does a honeymoon do for you? It takes away from all the business of your lifestyle.

Give this person a chance to relate with you and know you intimately. So before the pre-weeding photo shoots and dinner and the expensive trips people seem to have these days, decide to have a honeymoon.”



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