102.3 Max FM

Why Nigerians Seek Greener Pastures Abroad And Not Here [VIDEO]

Written by on August 5, 2022

There’s a problem that has been facing Nigeria for the last couple of years. This problem is the reason why many Nigerians are fleeing from the country. It has been a trend right from the time of the Military regime. People then emigrated to other countries in order to save their lives from arbitrary rulers and gross abuse of human rights. In recent times we have become a democracy so the question is why do people still leave.
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MaxFm 102.3 4th August 2022
#GreenerPastures #Nigeria #CharlyBoy #AreaFada #Divorce #Kelis #Beyonce #Renaisance #BBNaija #Sheggs #EbenezerObe #Son #AfroJuju #MayYulEdochie #FirstWife #Entertainment #PureEntertainment #TVC #MaxNews #MaxDidYouKnow #MaxDrive #MaxBreakfast #MaxFm #didyouknowfacts #Africa #Frogs #getsetflyfact #getsetflyscience #brightside #5minutescraft #BlossomFacts #facts #didyouknow #horrorfacts #psychologyfacts #talentbunchfacts #factsaboutboy​ #factsaboutmen​ #factsaboutgirl​ #factsaboutwomen​ #factology #facts2020 #facts2022 #RingFinger #RawFacts #BadHandwriting #Doctors #DoctorsBadHandWriting #KorraObidi #JustinDean #KorraMillionaire #Iyanya, #Music #BoySpice #FlavorNabania #AmazonPrime #IyaboOjo #FaithfulActor #YulEdochie

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