Video: No Christian should feel guilty for not paying tithe – Pastor Sam Adeyemi
Written by AaronWeb on March 2, 2018
Video: No Christian should feel guilty for not paying tithe – Pastor Sam Adeyemi
Senior pastor of Daystar Christian Centre, Pastor Sam Adeyemi speaking on tithing, has said it’s not compulsory as a new testament Christian to pay tithe.
Speaking to his congregation, the pastor affirmed that it is not compulsory to pay tithe, adding that tithing was done in the old testament as a law with curses attached for defaulters. He added that there is no longer a curse attached to not paying tithe.
“Tithing as practiced under the law of Moses as a regulation has expired! No Christian should feel guilty for not paying tithe.”
“If you are going to give to God as a new testament Christian, don’t give out of guilt, don’t give out of fear. I will not honestly tell you that because you don’t give you would be cast. It will not be biblical! You are free to give any percentage.”
He encouraged Christians to avoid being forced or pressured into paying tithes.
Controversial OAP, Daddy Freeze however reacted on his Instagram page saying; Small by Small the truth is emerging!…
See video below: