102.3 Max FM

Toni Tones Slams Skuki Peeshaun For Policing Women

Written by on January 14, 2019

Singer Skuki Peeshaun, shared a post on his Instagram page in which he was advising women to stop calling themselves king. According to him, any woman who calls herself king is a weak woman.

Actress Toni Tones saw his post and advised him to allow people to call themselves whatever they wish to. She advised Skuki to stop policing women and start policing men as they also need all the relationship advice he dishes out to women.

See Skuki’s post and Toni’s response below:

“It baffles me when some women try to act like men, just to show strength! #deadmove

Only weak women abandon their GOD-GIVEN FEMININE POWERS and try to be WHO THEY’RE NOT!
Think about it- Apart from physical strength, how much stronger than a woman is a man?
NOTE: Humans are both PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL. Men are stronger on the physical end, while women are stronger on the spiritual end.
Do you know why a man can have an orgasm in a minute?- It’s because his libido is tuned to the physical side of sex
Whether his mind is fully there or not, he would thrust-thrust and ejaculate
But a WOMAN who is MORE OF A SPIRITUAL BEING, has a libido that is more in tune with her spirit-side.
She needs to have her mind and thoughts in one place, before she gets a FULFILLING orgasm.
NOW LISTEN- Science proves that a woman’s orgasm is 9 times more intense than a man’s own. That right there, is SPIRITUAL ACCESS TO SEXUAL PLEASURE – Men don’t have that!
And so it goes in all other aspects of life! MEN ARRIVE FIRST, BUT WOMEN ARRIVE BETTER!
Even with SPERMS- which are the seeds of life! The male-sperm is faster, but the female-sperm is stronger.
DO YOU GET IT NOW??? Where a man’s strength stops, a woman’s own begins…
Therefore the women who try to imitate men are on a lost course… and apparently there are a lot of them in this generation!”

Toni Tones’s response:


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