102.3 Max FM

Tiwa Savage debunks pregnancy rumours, says she just added weight

Written by on November 22, 2017

Singer Tiwa Savage, has debunked rumour going round about her being pregnant with her second child. Days after she said she had no plans of slowing down in 2018 even if she gets pregnant again.

Tiwa and her husband Tee Billz are already parents to son Jamil born in July 2015. The couple also went through a trying time in 2016 when allegations of infidelity on both their parts almost broke them up. Tiwa took to her Instagram page to clear the doubts about her state. She wrote some words in hashtags. Read them below; “YEPKA Sorry this ISNT true guys”

Just Gained Happy Weight, Heading Straight To The Gym Funny How People Think They Know Whats Going On In Other Peoples Womb, No Pregnancy Here Yet, Gods Time”

See the hashtags below;

#JustGainedHappyWeight #HeadingStraightToTheGym #FunnyHowPeopleThinkTheyKnowWhatsGoingOnInOtherPeoplesWomb #NoPregnancyHereYet #GodsTime”

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