Third Sex Tape Resurfaces and R.kelly In More Trouble
Written by AaronWeb on March 11, 2019
Following the R.Kelly saga with underage girls, another sex tape which is the third, involving R.Kelly and some underage girls has surface and this time the owner of the tape says he doesn’t know how he got hold of it.
According to TMZ, lawyer, Gloria Allred and her client, Gary Dennis, came forward to explain how he got a hold of the third sex tape. Dennis who said he doesn’t know R. Kelly personally, said he found the tape among one of his old VHS tapes collections.
Dennis went on saying that he thought the R. Kelly part of the tape would feature a concert of his, but later discovered as he continued to watch past the sports content that it was a sex tape.
He claims he doesn’t know how this tape turned up in his possession but says he watched it and saw R. Kelly engaging in sex acts with what he perceived to be underage black girls more than one. Dennis went on to reveal that the ladies in the tape were underage and the only male in the video who looked like R.Kelly was the one rolling the camera.
This new tape is the third tape to have been handed over to the police in the last month. The last sex tape according to lawyer, Michael Avenatti is said to be more explicit than the first tape.