102.3 Max FM

Shine Begho

102.3 MaxFM OAP Shine Begho  was on a live Instagram chat with Elozonam Elozonam is a 33-year-old self-employed television producer and a former Big Brother Naija housemate. During their chat, he was asked how has he been keeping save during the lockdown. The former BBNaija made it known that he has everything he need to […]

On-Air-Personality Shine Begho Usanga has revealed she’s given birth to a baby girl. She says: I am so thankful to God for his love and mercies for making me a mother again, as you all know my previous pregnancy was with me have complications (ECLEMSIA) a deadly complication to have during pregnancy which resulted to […]

MaxFm OAP, Shine Begbo Celebrates 3rd Year Wedding Anniversary Shine Begho Usanga, Popular Max Fm OAP who anchors #MaxDrive programme celebrates 3rd year wedding anniversary with her husband Mr Seth Setteama Usanga, a business man and the Creative director of Vendrika Fashion. The couple got married on the 7th of February 2015 at the Pattaya Oriental Restaurant […]

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