Dbanj and his former manager, Bankulli seems to be attacking each other on social media as Dbanj responded to one of the comments of his former manager, Bankulli, after he posted “Silence don’t lie… There is Truth in Silence.” Dbanj, however, responded by writing; “Then brother keep quiet and if you just must talk about […]
Dbanj resumes daddy’s duties. The singer who made it known recently that he is expecting a baby with his wife, has just shared a video of himself on Instagram pushing a baby stroller. https://youtu.be/UCZrga_9Alw
Kokomaster D’banj, the CEO of the The Cream records, recently acquired a 2019 Royce Royce to celebrate his 41st Birthday. The former member of the Mo’hit records confirmed this after commenting on a congratulatory post from Celebrity stylist, SwankyJerry.