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There has been a lot hype around many Nigerian music acts and it appears newcomers are enjoying the privileges that is attached to African music going global in this age. As such, it comes as no surprise that young singer, Rema, is already making waves and performing in different African countries and gradually taking his […]

Young Nigerian music star Rema has taken to social media with the news of a major achievement in his music career, just 6 months after he was officially activated. The youngster whose real name is Divine Ikubor, but professionally known as Rema, started his journey into the music industry after he was signed by Mavin […]

Music artist, Rema, who is currently in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire for a show, shared photos of a female look-alike on his Instagram page. Sharing the photo he took with the girl he wrote this, “I finally found my sister “

Yesterday the 22nd of Sept. made it 6months that Marvin records artist, Rema was activated by the record label and he is already appearing on billboards in Time Square and LA. DonJazzy revealed this on his social media page as he shared a video of the artist on the New York Times Square billboard on […]

Mavin records new act, Rema in a tweet reveals how Kcee motivated him with a backstage photo 3-years ago in Benin City. According to the rising popstar, the gesture went a long way to motivate him to be great. He wrote: “3 years ago I met Kcee backstage in ‘ Benin and I asked for a pic and he […]

A Nigerian lady, Lavida Muna, permanently tattoos the name of the Mavin Records act Rema on  her boby. A video making the rounds online shows the young lady identified as Lavida Muna, flaunting her new tattoo for the camera while her celebrity star’s song played in the background.     View this post on Instagram […]

The Marvin record Artist, Rema, who debuted in March, has since been trilling fans with wonderful performances. He is indeed proving to be a force to reckon with in the Nigerian music space. Following is new song ‘Dumebi’ Rema is dropping an EP which he calls ‘Rema freestyle EP’.   There is obviously been an […]

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Įdomūs gyvenimo patarimai, receptai ir naudingi straipsniai apie daržą - viskas vienoje vietoje! Naudingi patarimai kaip lengvai išspręsti kasdienes problemas, savo virtuvės paslaptys ir praktiški patarimai, kaip auginant daržoves pasiekti geriausius rezultatus. Čia rasite viską, ko jums reikia, kad jūsų gyvenimas taptų lengvesnis ir skanesnis! Kiek kartų per dieną galima gerti kavą: ekspertų išvados Pašalinkite dėmes Mokslininkai atskleidė, kad kasdieninė kavos gerimas turi daugybę naudingų Ar mėsą reikia plauti prieš kepant? Nepasitikėkite, atsakymas jus nustebins! Rask 3 skirtumus per Akies taiklumas: kaip Vaikų elgesio vadovas: Plastikinių langų Sveika trijų ingredientų pusryčių receptas, kurį rekomenduoja mitybos specialistė Genialumas piešinyje: galvosūkis, kurį „Stiprūs protai su maistinine medžiaga Nr. 1“ „Du valikliai: 3 skirtumai, kurie Kaip padaryti, kad automobilio langai neprakaituotų: stebuklingas gyvenimo Kaip geriau Kas nutiks, jei išgersi per daug kavos? Išgąsdinantis atsakymas! Gydytojas patarė, kaip maistu kovoti su Kaip atsikratyti nugaros riebalų: 8 Jei ieškote naudingų patarimų ir idėjų, kaip pagerinti savo buitį, bendrauti su šeima arba pasirūpinti savo sodo augalais, tai tinkamas puslapis jums. Čia rasite įvairiausių gyvenimo gudrybių, virtuvės patarimų bei naudingų straipsnių apie daržoves ir vaisius. Skaitykite mūsų patarimus ir tapti tikru meistru savo namuose bei sode!