Cossy Orjiakor

In a recent interview with Sunnews, Cossy Orjiakor was asked if she is scared of marriage? here is her response; “I am not scared of marriage. However, if it is somebody that is crazy enough to like someone like me; that would be great! But then, I am not that kind of person that is […]

Actress, Cossy Orjiakor is presently mourning has she announces the passing away of her mother. Cossy took to her Twitter page on Tuesday, May 28, 2019, where she shared a photo of her late mum and captioned it with a quote where she announced her demise. “Mum….. what God has joined together not even death could put asunder. Mum […]

Nollywood actress and singer, Cossy Orjiakor shared a post on her Instagram on Monday, May 6, 2019 about a ‘Muslim’ fan who told her to stop posting raunchy photos of herself on Instagram until after Ramadan and she accepted the appeal. Read what she wrote below. “Awwwww a special appeal by a true fan (Hi dear, I hope […]

Nigerian actress, Cossy Orjiakor took to Instagram today June 21, 2018 to disclose that she was assaulted by her male neighbor while trying to stop him from beating his wife and child.  According to her, the neighbor was always in the habit of beating up his wife at the slightest provocation. She saw him beating up the […]

Nollywood actress, Cossy Orjiakor has laid her father to rest in grand style as she gave him a befitting burial. Photos from the burial were released on Instagram by Uche Elendu who is also a colleague to Cossy Orjiakor. The actress went on to caption the photos with a quote where she praised Cossy Orjiakor […]

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