Simi tackles Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo over his sermon
Written by AaronWeb on March 19, 2019
Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo of David’s Christian Center, made some assertions in a recent sermon that did not go well with singer, Simi.
According to the Pastor who posted an extract of his sermon on his Instagram page, the reason why we have many single men who are not even eager to get married is because they are already getting sexual satisfaction without marriage. This is largely because young ladies are allowing themselves to be used.
“As a lady, you need need to understand that men are not as emotionally developed as women. Women know what they want from childhood. The average teenage girl has dreams of how her wedding will be. Men as a teenager is just playing ball, he has no dreams of settling down.
He wants sex, men want sex not relationship. God put so much sexual passion in men, expecting that women will obey Him by doing access denied, so that if he wants so much sex he should marry. So, he will give you what you want, you will give him what he wants. That was how God planned it, but many women have been sabotaging themselves. So you have been giving it out to people that didn’t put a ring on it.
This is why we have so many single people because a lot of guys are sexually satisfied. Men enjoy sex with more people, than with one person. So, you are messing up and sabotaging yourself by giving out free sex. If you do national lock up, these men will marry. Trust me.”