We have paid Kiss Daniel over #120 million- G-Worldwide
Written by AaronWeb on December 15, 2017
We have paid Kiss Daniel over #120 million- G-Worldwide
The ongoing saga between award-winning singer, Kiss Daniel and his former record label,G-worldwide is getting more hot.
Following the allegation leveled against G-Worldwide Entertainment by their Former artiste, Kiss Daniel’s Lawyers on being placed on a N30,000 for a long time. The record label has responded to the allegations. Read their reply below:
“We have paid Kiss Daniel over 120 million naira. He refused to attend his own father’s burial on the grounds that he believed that his family are fetish and were responsible for his father’s death.
We would like to reiterate that our organization’s sole mission is to scout, develop and promote artists till the point where both partners become profitable and the artiste can then decide to continue their creative journey as they deem fit. Contrary to widespread insinuations (and though we love a good joke) we are not a slave camp and we have no time whatsoever held any of the talents on our roster against their will”.
Concerning the salary rumour, see what the spokesperson said:
“Loans of up to NGN 550,000 were given to him within 2 weeks of his signing onto the label for him to get a car for his mom to start a Taxi business. There are documents to back this. In addition following his request for financial support for his dad’s burial, G-Worldwide released the sum of NGN 200,000 to him which was exactly what Kiss Daniel requested for. As recent as October 2017, he again requested for a loan to run his account in order to acquire a house for himself under a mortgage, to this end the company released NGN 13,000,000 (Thirteen Million Naira) to him though the company was not obligated under the contract to do so.