Kevin Spacey Under Investigation For 3 More Sexual Assault
Written by AaronWeb on July 4, 2018
Oscar award-winning actor, Kevin Spacey is reportedly under investigation after three more men came forward with allegations of sexual assault against the gay actor, bringing the grand total to six: five allegations of sexual assault and one of assault.
According to the Metropolitan Police, a man came to them in April claiming he was sexually assaulted in Westminster in 1996. And 2 other men came forward in February with allegations of sexual assault with one claiming an incident occurred in Gloucester in 2013 and the other in Lambeth in 2008.
However, the allegations are being investigated by officers from the Child Abuse and Sexual Offenses Command of the Metropolitan Police. That includes the accusation from Gloucester, which is about 160 kilometers west of London. The 58 year-old actor is already under investigation for three separate sexual assault allegations.
Star Trek actor Anthony Rapp, 46, was the first to come forward in 2017 alleging inappropriate sexual advances made by Spacey in 1986. At the time of the incident, Spacey was 26 years old and Rapp was 14. Spacey now 58 issued a public apology, but he says he doesn’t remember the incident.
The allegation triggered dozens of others to speak out about alleged sexual misconduct by Spacey. He has since fallen out of Hollywood favor and is said to be seeking treatment.