102.3 Max FM

Kemi Olunloyo gives Linda Ikeji ‘tough time’

Written by on May 24, 2018

Controversial Journalist Kemi Olunloyo, in an attempt to prove the falsehood of Linda Ikeji’s pregnancy status, has uploaded several posts on her Instagram Page, with detailed captions of how untrue and fake Linda is.

Kemi Olunloyo gives Linda Ikeji 'tough time'

Kemi Olunloyo of HNNAFRICA, had earlier congratulated Linda on her CNN feature as a certified media mogul. But as soon as the pregnancy announcement surfaced online, Kemi was quick to nullify it with claims that Linda was neither engaged nor pregnant and is only going through a surrogate process.

Linda went ahead to post her bare belly pictures with explanation on how she had been hiding her bump and how she can’t share her man with the internet.

This further triggered Kemi who described it as a moonbump. According to her, “I’m a mother of three. You CANNOT SUCK in a baby bump. I’m sorry I was told that you allegedly can’t have kids”

See full posts here:

The Closing Chapter. #lindaisnotpregnant @officiallindaikeji don’t do a baby bump shoot. God forbid. Nobody sane should flaunt their REAL pregnant belly online. I saw u in Lagos 12 days ago & you weren’t pregnant. Dahlin, just tell people you love kids and will adopt or do a surrogacy. Do not purchase a baby like Caroline Rhodes who lied to Punch newspapers that she and her estranged husband Lanre had twins when she actually purchased the girls from your side in the South East then went to London, UK to hibernate for 9 months. I met a lot of baby belle cases at #PHMax. Linda don’t join these bandwagon of women liars in Lagos. I’m am investigative journalist and know them all. U are not private, your mansion interior and exterior is on the internet, we know your cars, your office and people close to you especially employees are baffled. They also talk to media secretly. I’m a mother of three. You CANNOT SUCK in a baby bump. I’m sorry I was told that you allegedly can’t have kids. It was the same with Beyonce the 1ST time but she claimed she wore the bump because she wanted to look preggo early. #BlueIvy was carried by her surrogate aunt who wore her boubou kaftans for 9 months but at last Beyonce responded to Pergonal and Clomid and conceived two, carrying them almost to term. I applauded her and that’s how I will celebrate you too when you actually carry a real baby. #prostheticbabybump comes in different skin tones. Stop fooling your fans. They are already brainwashed and so fake. They couldn’t even vote for you for the #MTVMAMAS then I warned you about role modeling. I only mentor people. Role models fall from grace. God should be your role model. You let down a lot of young girls. You haven’t taught them how to blog. You haven’t shared your secrets of blogging with them. You must carry them along Linda. I have had three FREE blogging seminars in 6 years in Naija. In America we even have a #takeyourchildtoworkday. I used to take my kids to the pharmacy and they served customers while #kayjeezy went to the radio and TV stations with me. Share that knowledge and go back to preach abstinence and protection from STD. I’m battling #PTSD now. Good luck ? KOO

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#lindaisnotpregnant @officiallindaikeji What’s my business? I’m an entertainment reporter of 10 years out of my 24yrs in journalism. Public figures have no private lives. U blogged gossip about people & that got you on CNN, @hnnamanda even did a post congratulating u. PLS don’t do back and forth with me darling. I specifically closed this topic last nite. Had to open a can of worms . LINDA STOP!!? ?Stop parading your fake bump on SM. ? Tell ur fans the truth and educate them. This is the only thing I despise about you. You don’t educate them, share knowledge and teach blogging. Like you said to #Charlyboy you want to “have it all” TO YOURSELF abi? ?Stop gifting an unborn baby a Bentley. Be discreet with certain things. Most of ur fans have not eaten today. My fans fed me today, I went to the supermarket on Facebook @hnnafrica. I have no money, suffering from a mental illness called #PTSD caused by my wrongful abduction, attempted assassination and imprisonment just for doing my work. On top of that my passport which is directly tied to my job still seized by a federal judge who has not dropped the case on his side because someone “wants to confess.” ?Linda honey you are a STAR!!⭐ and that’s why I promote you, announced your 100k donation to my travel legal fund, called Larry page to drop a volcano on Google Nigeria to reinstate your blog at midnight and even talked to producers at CNN secretly to profile you. I want more #HNNWomenNG???? to conquer out there. Pathetic lying is a mental disease. You can buy anything today EXCEPT integrity. Sadly most of your fans are illiterates. Many are on my page today laying curses. I won’t curse them back. I’m a daughter of Sango the God of Thunder. Our third Alaafin of Oyo. Struck by lightning twice and I’m still alive, when you lay a curse on me, it goes directly to the one you are fighting for. Linda remember #AngelaOkorie who said I will die soon? Look what Sango did to her. She was almost killed on her birthday by armed robbers. Call your fans to order. ?This mental disorder I’m battling does something unusual to me. It makes me spill too much truth. I need to get away from Nigeria soon. God Bless?

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#BREAKING @officiallindaikeji has failed a lot of you young ladies. I’ve been reading every single comment of yours and now want you to DE-FAN #lindaikeji. She’s a bad role model. I’m a mentor. She shares no knowledge, opportunities and lies all the time. A mythomaniac! I’m not preaching celibacy, I’m empowering women the RIGHT WAY. Tonight I will pick 250 Instagram followers and create my first Whatsapp group to teach you everything from ?? 1. Making money on twitter 2. Becoming a YouTube millionaire 3. Cashing in on instagram comments 4. Monetizing your Whatsapp All my SM podcasts and seminars were featured in Punch and CityPeople. N10k each, 5k with PVC but now all FREE. Mrs Linda something says she gave me 100k while I was languishing in prison as if I was convicted or sentenced for a crime. She even lied that she paid my bail to get me out. 100k? PLS give credit where it’s due. Humanitarian lawyer Kayode Ajulo paid that N1M bail. You only paid to a travel fund after I got out. Same pathetic lying. Get your life skills under me. You must be a Linda fan, female only and better start review of your abusive comments now cos some of you have already burnt your bridges and can’t cross it again. You must have a real full name and introduce yourself and your profession, single or married, student etc. I’m screening very carefully. The latest gist in my twitter inbox is that Linda is pregnant for Big Sam of Broadway TV. Samuel Olatunji is already married to someone else. Linda is gonna be a polygamist or what? LMFAO telling you to be celibate. Hey it’s all lies. Sam is being congratulated on his instagram page. Keep getting fed lies when you can start learning how to overdo her in blogging. I’m a notable blogger in 3 countries and a journalist. After my life skills classes, I will handpick 100 of you to teach blogging. I charge 25k for that in halls. It will be completely FREE on my private Whatsapp group. Rid yourselves of fake role models. I will be resting and recovering from PTSD symptoms. On June 1st, 2018 blogging begins. She will never tell you her secrets. Post your number. 08131944599 #KemiOlunloyo #madamhnn? #MADAMKOO Dr Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo

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