102.3 Max FM

I’m Glad I Cohabited With My Wife Before Marriage – Ibrahim Suleiman

Written by on February 17, 2022

Actor Ibrahim Suleiman has said he is glad he cohabited with his wife Linda Ejiofor-Suleiman before marriage as this allowed him to understand her better.

This conversation ensued with a follower who made a statement that cohabiting as a Christian is wrong, she said, “A subtle reminder that as a Christian, cohabiting with your partner before marriage is wrong.” Suleiman responded to the tweet saying, “This is true. But it is one of the wrong things I’m glad I did even if it was just for a few weeks. It just felt like the natural/ wise thing to do. Get to spend time in each other’s faces, day in, day out. We are both ambiverts who value alone time so it was important to learn each other’s cues. Now I can tell when she needs a couple of hrs to herself and vice versa Look, I’ve never been one to give a false impression of piety. I strive daily to be better. But once in a while… own your transgressions with your chest.”.

Debbie and Mark of the Max Breakfast show had a conversation on this topic and a lot of persons had so man to share, while some said it is fine to cohabit others are of the opinion that it is absolutely wrong and against God’s standard for marriage.

Debbie and Mark however aired their opinion on air and on Instagram Live, the former says is it fine to do so as she would like to kno if her husband-to-be snores as that is a deal breaker for her.

A caller disagreed and said one can his or her partner on dates and picnic to which Mark utterly disagreed.

Watch Full video on YouTube @ Max FM Nigeria.

What do you think, will cohabiting help one to know his/her partner better? Leave your comments.

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