Georgina Onuoha takes a swipe at women who depend on men for money
Written by AaronWeb on July 28, 2021
The US-based Nollywood actress recently shared a post where she attacked women who live off the money they collect from men but go around deceiving people by telling them how hard they worked for their money. She also revealed that some women are really hard-working and have achieved a lot for themselves but choose to keep it off the media.
She wrote:
“Never hand over the pen ? that writes your story to anyone. Only you can write your autobiography.
PS: That most of us chose not to display our professional lives on social media doesn’t mean we are jobless.
It simply means certain things should remain private as it should. Some of us sleep while our money work for us. Some of us have staffers doing the job and some of us just figured out how to work smart and live our lives jejely.
If you are living off on a man’s hard earn money, I don’t appreciate you giving false narratives of how hard you work let alone becoming a motivational speaker when in actual sense you don’t know how to multiple a dollar. So please Stop it. We know how you all end. Not all you display on social media is as it is.
Take pride in eating the money you did not work for and give credit where it is due. Not every woman wants to be kept by a man, majority wants to add value to their partners lives.
Until you put on those big girl pants just crawl back into trophy and borrowed life and let hardworking people breathe and appreciate their self made lives.
Enough said.”