Eva Alordiah Turns 31, Talks About Almost Committing Suicide
Written by AaronWeb on August 14, 2019
Rapper, Eva Alordiah took to her Instagram page to share with fans her past suicidal attempt as she turned 31 on Tuesday, August 13, 2019.
“Apparentlyyyyyy!!!! This is what 31 looks like. ?It’s been a long walk to get here, from almost taking my own life to being here now, living my life with a single mission to help you live yours better. I am blessed indeed. Use me as proof that you can overcome too. The next year is going to be ooooohhhh so good, I am excited about what we will accomplish together. Thank you for your sweetness, you have made me feel more Alive! ?#WaterWomanEvaAlordiah #EnergyGiverEva #EvaAlordiah,”she wrote.