Drake suspends concert to surprise 11-year-old girl awaiting transplant
Written by AaronWeb on August 23, 2018
Popular award winning Canadian/American rapper, Drake suspended his concert to surprise a little girl on her sick bed in Chicago.
The 11-year-old, Sofia Sanchez who is awaiting a heart transplant in the hospital, had her wish granted when Drake put on hold his concert to see the teenage girl.
The teenager who is currently at Lurie’s Children Hospital of Chicago, met Drake on Monday, August 20. She was left speechless after the rapper casually walked into her hospital room.
Sanchez was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy which occurs when a heart muscle makes blood delivery from the heart to the body difficult. It could also lead to heart failure.
However, little Sofia was elated to meet her celebrity crush. She said;
“This is the best birthday present I’ve ever had. Thank you so much Drake for coming to see me, it means a lot for you to come and cheer me up.”
Drake who had quite a long conversation with Sofia, shared on his Instagram:
“Me and my love Sofia talking about Bieber and Owls and Basketball”