Daddy Freeze gives his take on feminism and the Bible
Written by AaronWeb on August 10, 2021
Media personality, Daddy Freeze recently gave his take on Feminism. Lately, men of GOD have taken to the alter to condemn feminism with some biblical passages to back up their take. Daddy Freeze, however, took to his social media page to give reasons why caution should be taken when it comes to using the bible as a backup in condemning feminism.
He wrote:
“Be careful which gospel you listen to..
The ‘Jesus’ many know today was sold to us by our colonial masters, who created this ‘god’ in their own image, so as to manipulate Africans, resulting in enslavement for centuries.
When you hear doctrines like; “love your wife as ‘Jesus’ loved the church”, what really comes to the subconscious mind isn’t Christ who laid his life down for the church, rather a god born out of the manipulative ideologies our slave masters, indoctrinated into us.
As a result of this, when an African husband ‘loves’ his wife like ‘Jesus’ did, what he really expects from her is slavery. By the same token, ‘Christ is the head of this home’ is not perceived in biblical construct; from the tenets of sacrifice and eternal love, rather it’s how a slave master sees his slave!
◄ Ephesians 6:5 ►
New Living Translation
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.