102.3 Max FM

covid-19: Lola Okoye and her daughter Aliona sing Yoruba song during isolation

Written by on March 27, 2020

Apparently it seems the self-isolation exercise is beginning to reveal bidden talents for some people. This afternoon Peter Okoye’s wife Lola Okoye and her daughter, Alliona took to social media to share a video of themselves as they sing a song from the deep culture of the Yoruba tribe.

Sharing the video, Lola Okoye advised her fans to stay safe and prayed for GOD’s guidance and protection on all.

“When you teach your daughter some yoruba area gangstagirl ishh! ?? ??????Don’t try us…..auntie Corona please stay far away! God bless and protect us all and keep us healthy and safe.❤❤❤??????? #stayhealthy#washyourhands#dontpanic#wecanbeatthistogether#stayhome#drinkslotsofwater#santize#santize#sanitize#refrainfromtouchingyourface#warmlemonwaterisyourbestfriend#Covid-19″

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