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Breonna Taylor death: Family claims she was ‘still alive up to 6 minutes’ after shooting

Written by on July 8, 2020

However, the 26-year-old but she did not receive any medical assistance as she bled out in her apartment.

Breonna Taylor’s family has filed new court documents claiming that she was still alive after being shot by Louisville police officers for ‘up to six minutes’.

According to The New York Times, a 31-page complaint reports that Breonna was left for up to six minutes after she was shot on March 13th.

The new court documents amend a previous lawsuit against the three officers, Jonathan Mattingly, Myles Cosgrove, and ex-cop Brett Hankison – who were involved in Breonna’s death.

The report presents a new information and clarity as to what happened on the night they killed Breonna Taylor.

While the defence and prosecution have settled on the fact that the police did knock before entering her apartment, Breonna’s family believe the officers did not identify themselves.

Breonna’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker, then shot at the presumed intruders, which hit an officer in the leg.

The police proceeded to firing shot after shot, striking Breonna five times.

Breonna Taylor’s family lawyer, Sam Agular stated: “In the six minutes that elapsed from the time Breonna was shot, to the time she died, we have no evidence suggesting that any officer made entry in an attempt to check and assist her”. Agular added “She suffered.”

State officials refuted these claims.

The coroner who performed Breonna Taylor’s autopsy, Dr. Barbara Weakley-Jones, revealed that the time of death on Breonna’s death certificate is “an estimate”.

Weakley-Jones also added that Breonna likely died in “less than a minute.”

Coroner Weakley-Jones insisted that Breonna’s injuries were too fatal for her to have recovered from the damage to her body.

“Even if it had happened outside of an ER we couldn’t have saved her,” she said.

The report also details a list of other code violations the police committed in the case that ultimately led to Breonna’s death.

One of the instances where the police officers failed to give a useful response, was relying on old intelligence and not having an ambulance on standby when carrying out the raid.

“We won’t be satisfied until rightful charges are brought against…everyone responsible for Breonna’s death,” Aguiar said.

Rest in power, Breonna Taylor.

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