102.3 Max FM

Ama Reginald cries out as clearing fee at Customs triples

Written by on February 20, 2024


Popular influencer and businesswoman Ama Reginald joined the multitude of Nigerians lamenting over the fall of the Nigerian currency, as she took to Instagram to lament. In her post, she complained about how the customs office had been delaying clearing her goods, despite the fact that dollar is on a constant increase.

Ama Reginald cries out over the clearing fee at Customs and how they gave delayed her goods.

The popular influencer wrote, “Running a business in this country is draining. I mean with the current situation of dollar, custom is still looking for a way to further frustrate us. Tell me why my shipment has been in Nigeria since Thursday and customs has refused to release the Shipment because they’re looking for a way to further increase the clearing fee. Mind you customs has increased clearing fee 3 times this year already. Ama is honestly tired and frustrated but it is well. I won’t ever stop getting up! You shouldn’t too.”

It is evident that Ama Reginald was distressed when she made that post, complaining about the dollar hike and customs delaying her goods. She is a cloth vendor with a vast fan base that constantly patronizes her, so her fears about the delay might be valid. Despite the fact that she was distressed, Ama stated that she wasn’t going to give up, and others should do the same.

The fall of the Nigerian currency has affected everyone, including people who were deemed to be on the favorable side of the tax bracket are now speaking up, including celebrities. Ama Reginald is not the first public figure to speak out about the situation, as we have celebrities like Mercy Aigbe and Laide Bakare have also spoken up about it.

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