Tonto Dikeh to face police IG over illegal sales of ex husband’s property

Written by on April 5, 2019

Controversial Actress Tonto Dikeh, is set to face the Inspector General of Police, over illegal sales of Olakunle Churchill’s property.

Tonto Dikeh may face the law over the alleged forgery of car documents and illegal sales of a Prado SUV vehicle, belonging to the company of her Ex Husband, Dr. Olakunle Churchill.

According to a letter submitted by Ace Solicitors, Churchill’s Lawyer, on the 4th of April to the office of the Inspector General of Police, the said vehicle was acquired by Dr. Churchill through his organisation, Big Church Group at the cost 22million. The vehicle was however, converted to home use, when the Actress got delivered of their child, Andre.

After the Divorce, he left the white Prado SUV toyota Jeep, which she thereafter forged ownership documents of the car and eventually sold it. However, Dr. Olakunle’s counsel made this submission to the police, not because he was interested in having the vehicle back, but just to keep the police informed, so as not be dragged into any issue over whatever the vehicle may be used for, since he wasn’t aware of the transaction or even the person that acquired the vehicle.

Below is the Letter of Complaint from Dr Churchill to IGP through Ace Solicitors against Miss Tonto Dikeh on the Prado SUV Car matter:

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