After a successful event at the O2 Arena in London, Davido while chatting with Channes 4 News in London got to speak about his personal life and his plans to take part in the forthcoming general elections in Nigeria.


Here are five things Davido said during his interview, that you might find interesting.

1. On how entertainment has become Nigeria’s saving grace


Davido wears a hand-beaded OKUNOREN jacket at his sold-out concert

For Davido music has become not just a big deal in Nigeria but has also put the country on the map. He talked about how entertainment has been the saving grace for Nigeria over the last few years.


2. When asked to talk about comments credited to him during the MOBO awards where he talked about Nigeria and the political situation in the country

Davido shut down The O2 Arena over the weekend

“I’m not a politician, what I was really saying at the MOBO was that there is a lot of things happening back home if I was in their position there would be a lot of things I would have done differently. Do your job!” he said.

He went on to call out politicians who have luxury properties outside the country and private jets and weren’t really doing anything to affect the people who voted them into power.


3. The police storming his house few days after moving in

Davido is the most followed Nigerian celebrity on Instagram with over 9 million followers

Davido also talked about how he moved when he bought his first house in the United States in an area occupied by mainly white folks at the age of 24 and received some unusual visitors a few days after.

“I bought that house when I was 23…no no 24 so I moved in and I’m the only African-American in that neighbourhood, I drove in, had a huge truck behind me and its like two days later, the police comes to the door and like a detective and they are like open up. They came in, they searched the whole house, asking me what do I do, how…because  I bought that house with cash,” he said.


4. His interest in politics

Davido was very instrumental in his uncle, Senator Ademola Adeleke's governorship campaign back in 2018

For Davido, the next general elections are going to be a big deal and he advocated for the eligible voters to vote and defend their votes by staying after the elections to make sure their vote actually counts

“If I am not in it 100%, I will probably be around it. In Nigeria, we have elections coming up in February. And there is thing I am doing called defend your vote. You know you vote, you leave and then they mess everything up. After the vote, you wait there. After you vote wait there let them count everything and I am not gonna stop until they change.”


5. Law enforcement officers and how they treat successful black men

Davido has his own private with a number of exotic cars to his garage, making him one of the wealthiest celebrities in Nigeria.  Nigeria.

When asked what he feels about law enforcement officers intimating successful young black men, Davido said he doesn’t think it has anything to do with racism rather, it was all about the wrong notion the whites have about Africans.

”Honestly, I don’t think they have a problem with it. It might just be shocking, I think it is a problem…they want to know how, it’s confusing, “how did he get this house?” When you see young black men not stealing money, not doing blah blah blah, not robbing, not killing, doing something positive and makes something out of it and moves into a sane area and you are like confused,” he concluded.
