Teni – It’s important to pray and check on your friends

Written by on May 16, 2022

It’s important to pray and check on your friends while they are alive and well

Nigerian singer, Teni has advised people not to wait for a tragic incident to occur before they show interest in their friends’ welfare.

She said that everyone should endeavour to check up on their friends and pray for them while they are still alive and kicking.



Teni further stressed that anyone who fails to do the abovementioned should not resort to writing epistles when something unfortunate happens to their friend.

She wrote; ”Check and pray for your friends. Don’t be writing rubbish stories after something happens to them.”

In an earlier Twitter post, the Uyo Meyo singer gave a motivational speech about being resilient in the struggle for success.

”Don’t be afraid of rejection, if you knock dem no open, make your own door.” she said.


In an interview, she narrated her journey into singing.

According to her,

“I learnt how to sing from Nini. I would be punished if I didn’t get it right.

I would be rewarded with her special milk balls if I got it right.

I have been in front of a camera since I was 2 years old. I used to play the drums.

I’ve played for Governor Marwa, Governor Fashola and Tinubu.”

“I have always been the class clown. My classmates would start laughing at everything I would say.

I’m that kid who used to get into trouble because I could not shut up.

I guess I have a gift for making people a little happier.”

“Growing up I would listen to Funmi Aragbaye which my mum played every morning.

My step mom is Igbo and lived upstairs, and she played Osita Osadebe.

My other step mom lived downstairs and she used to play Baba Ara and Indian music.

Growing up I used to listen to all kinds of music including King Ayinde Wasiu Marshal, King Sunny Adé and Ebenezer Obey.”

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