Maternity Fashion: Rihanna Stunned In A Sheer Black Maternity Dress At The Dior Show During Paris Fashion Week

Written by on March 2, 2022

Rihanna has been out frequently since announcing her pregnancy at the end of January. She spoke to People in February about how playing with fashion during her pregnancy has been “fun” but also “a challenge.”

After the Billionaire Rihanna debuted her Paris Fashion Week maternity style at Off-White’s show, she stepped out again for the Dior show in another breathtaking look. The singer wore a sheer black dress with a dramatic red lip and accessorized with layered necklaces and leather boots.


“I like it. I’m enjoying it,” she said. “I’m enjoying not having to worry about covering up my tummy. If I feel a little chubby, it’s like, whatever! It’s a baby!”

She added that dressing up makes her feel more confident. “Right now, being pregnant, some days you just feel like, ‘Ugh, I just want to lay here on this couch all day,’” she said. “But when you put on a little face and a little lipstick, you transform. You put some clothes on, and it’s like, when you look good, you feel good. I’ve heard that for a very long time, but it’s true. It really can get you up off that couch and make you feel like a bad bitch.”

She also told Refinery29 that she is dressing sexily on purpose. “Right now I’m really into pushing the idea of sexy,” she said. “When women get pregnant, society tends to make it feel like you hide, hide your sexy, and that you’re not sexy right now [but] you’ll get back there and I don’t believe in that shit. So I’m trying stuff that I might not have even had the confidence to try before I was pregnant. The strappiest, the thinnest, and the more cut-outs the better for me.”

Current track



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