102.3 Max FM


Written by on February 10, 2022

Failed Surgery = No Hands!

Did you know that in Ancient Egypt, if a surgeon lost a patient whilst performing an operation on them, then the surgeon’s hands were cut off! What about the rest of the patients in need of medical attention? Did anyone think of them? Who would look after them if all the surgeons go handless?


Get Dressed or Die

Did you know that in St. Louis, Missouri, it is illegal for a fireman to rescue a woman wearing only a nightgown? In order for her to be rescued, she must be fully clothed! So does that include pieces of jewellery, nice matching shoes and handbags? Really!


Women Can Kill Adulterous Husbands

Did you know that in Hong Kong, a betrayed wife is legally allowed to kill her adulterous husband? Although she may only do this with her bare hands. It all sounds a bit strange to me tho!


Illegal To Marry The Same Man 4 Times

Did you know that in Kentucky, it is against the law for a woman to remarry the same man four times. Why would anyone in their right mind marry the same person 4 times? If it failed the first 3 times, will the 4th be any different?


Too Scruffy To Drive

Did you know that in Athens, a driver can have their driving license taken away from them if the driver is deemed too scruffy or poorly dressed? I guess the fashion police really do exist!





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