Darkoo Calls Ayra Starr Her Sister, Not Just a Music Industry Friend

Written by on August 12, 2024

Nigerian singer Darkoo recently opened up about her relationships within the music industry, sharing that her bond with Ayra Starr goes beyond mere industry friendship.

During a guest appearance on a Podcast, Darkoo revealed that she views Ayra as a sister rather than just a colleague.

Darkoo explained that while she isn’t actively seeking friends in the music scene, she has formed genuine connections, with Ayra Starr being a significant one.

“I have made some friends in the industry, but I’m not looking for industry friendships specifically. I found that with Ayra Starr. To me, she’s more like a sister,” Darkoo said.

The singer emphasized that their strong friendship is built on their shared similarities and mutual respect. “We get along so well because we are very alike. What I truly appreciate about her is her respectfulness. She embodies the true Naija spirit with her outlook on life. We teach each other a lot and that’s something I value,” Darkoo noted.

Darkoo also discussed her broader interactions within the industry. She mentioned that while she is friendly with many people, she distinguishes these casual interactions from deeper friendships.

“I’m friendly and make connections easily, but that doesn’t mean everyone is a close friend. My interactions often stay at a surface level—just seeing each other and sending messages. I keep some distance because getting too close can lead to disrespect,” she explained.

This insight from Darkoo highlights the importance she places on genuine connections and maintaining respectful boundaries within the music industry.

Her perspective sheds light on the nature of celebrity friendships and the balance between personal and professional relationships.

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