Mercy Eke States Why She’s Still Relevant

Written by on June 8, 2022

Mercy Eke

Mercy Eke said she wouldn’t have been this relevant up till this moment, and according to her, she’s here to stay.

Former Big Brother Naija season 4 Pepper Dem reality television star and ex-housemate, Mercy Chinenyenwa Eke has revealed the reason she’s still very much relevant three years after taking part in the Big Brother Naija show.

The reality star, who made this disclosure during a recent interview with Nigerian podcaster, Temisan Emmanuel on Tea With Tay podcast, stated that she’s still relevant because she is “being me”.

Mercy told Temisan that if she had changed to what the majority of people wanted her to be, she wouldn’t have been relevant up till now.

The reality TV star who had earlier stated that she doesn’t feel perturbed by people’s opinions,

added that anytime she insists on doing what makes her happy, she’s always unique at it and that makes her remain in the spotlight on a very long time.

And should she change one day and start living by people’s opinions, it’s a finish for her.

The interviewer, Temisan stated, as he asked Mercy,

“So now post-BBN right, you didn’t go into acting, you did not become a musician, you know, but you’re still relevant.

How did you stay relevant for this long, one thing they say is that it’s one thing to go for big brother and the other to stay relevant after.

“Two years after, this is the third day after BBN, you’re still as relevant as the time that you went unlike some of the other housemates.

How is it that you have stayed this relevant up until now?”

Responding to Temisan’s question, Mercy uttered, “That’s what I’m saying. Just being me. Imagine if I changed for what people want me to do. So, I think because it’s just me. This is who I am, this is what they know me for.

“So, each time I do something in that direction, it’s unique. I’m one of one. So, I’ll be there forever.

“But anyway, no matter how I’m advancing in anything I’m doing, in schooling, or something. Any day I change from this person to that, to being like everybody, everyone else, it’s finished. There’s no difference between me and them anymore. But right now, there’s a difference, and that’s what makes me stand out.”


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