Regina Daniels refutes claims that she use Jaruma’s products to win her husband over

Written by on November 3, 2021

Days after Regina Daniel’s co-wife, Laila revealed that she has quit her marriage relationship with their billionaire husband, Ned Nwoko, Regina has now come under fire on social media for using Jaruma’s kayamata products to secure her husband. Following this, the actress took to social media to refute such a claim and revealed that she was only paid by Jaruma in the past to promote her products. She also revealed that she will never use Jaruma’s kayamata products as she has no reason to.

She wrote:

“This is for clarity sake…..I have and will never use any kayamata product. Jaruma paid me to help make random posts for her. I personally gave my terms concerning the kind of posts to be made, I was very mindful with my choice of words so as not to mislead the public, I was simply creating awareness for her brand. Along the line, we became friends, I was warned severally to keep her at arms length and mind my association with her but it is not in my nature to judge a person from another’s perspective but in her case I should have known better. She constantly uses every opportunity to create contents to profit off my person and my brand even after our payment deal expired. I tolerated it because I believed I understood her person and felt I should give her the benefit of doubt and maintain a cordial friendship . But This time, I will not tolerate Jaruma using this issue that practically portrays me as a bad person for her selfish desires knowing fully well, that I have NEVER AND WILL NEVER USE whatever she sells as I have no reason to….?.

And this is a notice to my fans and the general public , I and my brand As Regina Daniels has no business/association with Jaruma and her products . Thank you ?”

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