Comedian, Twyse wants people to specify how they conceived when sharing their conception testimonies

Written by on October 5, 2021

Popular comedian, Ereme Abraham, better known as Twyse, recently shared a message where he appealed to couples who share conception testimonies to also reveal how they got pregnant.

Twyse took to his social media platform to state that couples who share such testimonies should help to reduce frustration for other people by stating the means they used since there are options such as: In vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), Surrogacy, etc.

He wrote:

“When you people are sharing testimony about conception, pls don’t forget to add how it
actually came about (in some or most cases). Whether it was IVF, IUI, Surrogacy etc. Let other people know these things. It might help limit their frustration.

Sometimes too, the issue is with male fertility. Let’s get these things checked abeg and reduce the hypocrisy.”

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