Kneeling to propose to woman: Daddy Freeze replies Pete Edochie

Written by on February 21, 2020

Controversial Nigerian broadcaster, Daddy Freeze has tackled veteran Nollywood actor, Pete Edochie for saying that Nigerian men kneeling down to propose to their women are not just fools, but ‘compound buffoons’.

Edochie stirred controversy when he said:

“Any young man who gets down on his knees to propose to a girl is not just an idiot, he is a bloody fool, a compound buffoon. We try to copy white people.

”I believe in the sanctity of our culture, the essence and the core of our culture. The white man kneels down to propose to a girl. You know what it means, the girl takes over the family. This is why whenever you disagree with a wife overseas, you are kicked out and your wife takes the house.

”Young men who should be in charge of their destinies hand it over to women. That makes you all fools.”

But Daddy Freeze said he had a divergent view regarding African cultures and traditions, which Edochie so much upheld.

“I personally believe many African cultures and traditions are wicked, sexist and should either be discarded or at the very least overhauled.

“Examples include, but are not limited to Child marriage, female genital mutilation, widows drinking the water of dead husband’s corpse, preference of male children over female, women having to ‘give a man his children’ if there is a divorce and arranged marriages,” he said.

According to him, kneeling before a woman is a ‘cute’ culture, that had no physical or spiritual implication and could never be compared to the physical and emotional trauma of female circumcision, child marriages or the arranged marriages that were part of our ‘culture’.

“I believe kneeling to propose is a personal choice and is honestly not this deep as many people who fight for the preservation of our culture still pray to a white Jesus, and read the King James translation done by the man who sold our ancestors like cattle.

“I would rather we focused our energies on expunging wicked and barbaric cultures and traditions because if we Africans weren’t wicked, Mary Slessor would never have become famous for abolishing the killing of twins.

“Also, quite a few of these traditions have been infused into our imported religions, leading many into the delusion that they are ordained by God,” Daddy Freeze says.

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. Dear sir, I have a divergent view regarding our cultures and traditions. I personally believe many African cultures and traditions are wicked, sexist and should either be discarded or at the very least overhauled. – Examples include, but are not limited to: – 1: Child marriage. 2: Female genital mutilation. 3: Widows drinking the water of dead husbands corpse. 4: Preference of male children over female. 5: Women having to ‘give a man his children’ if there is a divorce. 6: Arranged marriages. – Kneeling before a woman is a ‘cute’ culture, that has no physical or spiritual implication and can never be compared to the physical and emotional trauma of female circumcision, Child marriages or the arranged marriages that are part of our ‘culture’. – I believe kneeling to propose is a personal choice and is honestly not this deep as many people who fight for the preservation of our culture still pray to a white Jesus, and read the King James translation done by the man who sold our ancestors like cattle.? – I would rather we focused our energies on expunging wicked and barbaric cultures and traditions, because if we Africans weren’t wicked, Mary Slessor would never have become famous for abolishing the killing of twins. – Also, quite a few of these traditions have been infused into our imported religions, leading many into the delusion that they are ordained by God. – Stay blessed sir, ~FRZ – ◄ Matthew 15:9 ► New Living Translation Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.’”

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