Fake Solider Who Beat Up Baba Fryo Arrested

Written by on May 21, 2019

The news of the arrest of one of the fake soldiers, Muhammed Ishaq, who is said to be behind the brutality melted upon Baba Fryo has been arrested by men of the Nigeria Army. This info was shared on Baba Fryo’s official Instagram page on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. According to the post, the arrest was facilitated with the aid of men of the Nigerian Army.

“This is one of the unknown fake soldiers that deliberately beat up our living legend Babafryo Igweh yesterday without a reason, People need to be very careful these days as there so are many Babylonians posing as soldiers. I am very proud of the Nigerian Army and OC MP Ojo Cantonment Capt. A.S ATUNWA for his effective investigations and action taking in this matter. 

One of the fake soldiers who is said to be behind the brutality melted upon Baba Fryo has been arrested by men of the Nigeria Army [Facebook/BabaFryoIgweh]

We give thanks to the most high God. The picture below is the picture of the very fake soldier.he has been arrested by the military police Ojo cantonment his name is Muhammed Ishaq. Thank you Nigerian Army Ojo cantonment,” the post reads.

Recalled that on Monday, May 20, 2019, the news of Baba Fryo being beaten by soldiers broke the Internet.

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