“God Go Deal With Una” Ali Baba Lashes Women Who Put Fellow Women Under Pressure

Written by on April 30, 2019

The stand up comedian and entrepreneur, Ali Baba has a comment for women who put their fellow women under pressure on social media with their extravagant lifestyles. He made this known on Monday, April 29, 2019, via his Instagram page. According to him, those women who are living the extravagant lifestyle without any particular known job or matching pay cheque should wait for the law to catch up with them.

“And as for all of those ladies who are putting other hard working ladies under pressure with things that the struggling ladies cannot afford yet, but things that their big god bought for them… na God go deal with una. You are carrying a 4 million Naira bag, and you don’t have a 200k monthly job. You are flying business and first class, private jet, yet you have no source of income. Your are living large. Just wait, from what I hear, LIRS is coming for you. You will soon begin to file your tax.”


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And as for all of those ladies who are putting other hard working ladies under pressure with things that the struggling ladies cannot afford yet, but things that their big god bought for them… na God go deal with una. You are carrying a 4 million Naira bag, and you don’t have a 200k monthly job. You are flying business and first class, private jet, yet you have no source of income. Your are living large. Just wait, from what I hear, LIRS is coming for you. You will soon begin to file your tax. Because you will soon receive a letter “We write to congratulate you on your successes from LIRS. We would like to however, inform you, that we are yet to receive your tax returns as demanded by law. Please walk into any of our offices, to regularise your tax standing. Once again thank you.” Nothing wrong with having a big god. Just let the LIRS, thank him as well……….. All of una eyes go soon clear. Putting innocent gez under pressure for what?

A post shared by Ali Baba (@alibabagcfr) on

“Because you will soon receive a letter, “We write to congratulate you on your successes from LIRS. We would like to, however, inform you, that we are yet to receive your tax returns as demanded by law. Please walk into any of our offices, to regularise your tax standing. Once again thank you.” Nothing wrong with having a big god. Just let the LIRS, thank him as well……….. All of una eyes go soon clear. Putting innocent gez under pressure for what?” he wrote.

Alibaba has a message for ladies putting other ladies under pressure on social media [AlibabaGCFR]

Alibaba is known to be quite vocal about social issues and won’t be the first person to talk about this issue.

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