BBNaija Star K.Brule Hospitalised After Ghastly Car Accident

Written by on November 8, 2018

Big Brother Naija star Kelvin Brouillette, popularly known as K.Brule, on Sunday involved in a car accident which landed him in a hospital.

K.Brule give details of how he was involved in a car accident on Sunday, November 4 during the hour of 6am. Thankfully, he survived the accident even though he has been hospitalized because of the devastating effect of the accident.

Big Brother Naija ex-contestant, shared photos from the accident and his admission at the hospital. The photos revealed his car which was severely dented and marred from the effect of the accident.



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On Sunday morning the 4th November at around 6am my car experienced a blowout instinctively causing me to apply the brakes, which is the last thing I remember. Eye witnesses say my vehicle spun out and somersaulted over a road divide into oncoming traffic where I was struck by another vehicle causing my car to flip multiple times back across the road divide. Luckily no lives where lost but both vehicles are total write offs. I praise & thank God for being faithful & sparing our lives. Due to the nature of the crash the blame falls on me. & I have no idea how I will pay the damages and hospital bills for the other party but at least I’m alive to worry about these things ? please keep me in your prayers during these trying times. I may be hard to reach for a while as my phones were destroyed in the crash. #PrayForKbrule #thankGodforlife #NotTodaySatan Pslam 91:3 ?????? God is faithful

A post shared by Official account of K.Brulé (@k.brule) on

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