Actor Emmanuel Totolos calls out Africa Magic over biased treatment

Written by on September 17, 2018

Nollywood actor, Emmanuel Ehumadu Totolos, has taken to social media to call out African Magic for what he believes is an unfair treatment meted out to certain movies in the industry.

The actor who is known for playing the action figure in most movies, seems to be off the movie radar for a while now. Well, it appears that isn’t the case and he has finally come out to speak on the issue.

According to Ehumadu, he has stared in a lot of hit movies and puts them out frequently. However, the fault seems to be from African Magic who he claims have refused to create a TV channel solely for Nollywood action movies as they have with African Magic Epic and the rest.

He wrote on Facebook: “And everyday of my life my fans keep asking me…”Why did you stop acting? I don’t see your movies anymore”…yet, I chunk out hit movies everyday. This is simply because everyone watches Africa Magic these days. So tell me, why won’t they create Africa Magic Action,? Just to satisfy our load of fans all over Africa and the world?

Is it Political? Is it personal,? Is it selfish or fear of taking over viewership? Whatever may be the reason, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If our Nollywood epic and urban movies are good enough for the Nigerian view, the Nollywood action movies are good enough too. They all are our local contents. Give us our right to be seen. #giveusafricamagicaction #mnetmovies #africamagic”

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