Timi Dakolo and Freeze heats up as the OAP replies, calls Timi a dingbat! Choi!

Written by on October 26, 2017

Here’s a recap. Timi Dakolo shared an article today advising people to take their marriage vows seriously and not hurry to divorce when there are problems. Freeze shared Timi’s post with an opinion that his advise that people should endure marriage no matter what was bullshit. Timi replied telling Freeze that he had no right to comment on marriage and Freeze has just fired back.

Read below…

@timidakolo unlike you, I haven’t waited all my life to respond to you, why should I? Who are you and where’s the sense in what you write or what you stand for?

You are a product of this same shallow doctrine yourself, the churches you perform at, where do you think they get the money to pay from?

You speak about marriage, how long you been married for? What do you know? You say I don’t have the right to comment on marriage, who gave you the license to comment?

I was married for 10 whole years, you dingbat! If I can’t comment on marriage, WHO CAN?

You call my teachings ‘demonic’, why don’t you back yours up with the Bible? My demonic teachings have full biblical support, how would you know? Do you read your bible?

You follow pastors like sheep up and down, is it now paining you that they could be giving more gigs to younger artists, and you are now crying on the internet?

You say you give tithe and offering to God when you give it to a pastor, is that what God said in Deuteronomy 14:22-26 or in Nehemiah 10:38?
Do you have a copy of the Bible at all? I suggest you get yourself one.

I shouldn’t be educating you, but do read from Matthew 25:32 to know what it takes to “give to God” and ‘pastor’ or ‘man of God’ isn’t in the equation.

You don’t know shit about my marriage, so you have no right whatsoever to comment on it, I didn’t comment on yours, or how you are handling it, so don’t get personal, your life is far from perfect.

Typing in caps is shouting your words, NOT YOUR MESSAGE, which remains as vacuous as the writer.

You lost respect for me? I never had any for you! Sorry, but I’m not big on pulpit puppets.

Maybe if you spent more time writing music than writing for the blogs, more kids won’t be wondering “who’s timi dakolo?” ~FRZ

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Įdomūs gyvenimo patarimai, receptai ir naudingi straipsniai apie daržą - viskas vienoje vietoje! Naudingi patarimai kaip lengvai išspręsti kasdienes problemas, savo virtuvės paslaptys ir praktiški patarimai, kaip auginant daržoves pasiekti geriausius rezultatus. Čia rasite viską, ko jums reikia, kad jūsų gyvenimas taptų lengvesnis ir skanesnis! Kiek kartų per dieną galima gerti kavą: ekspertų išvados Pašalinkite dėmes Mokslininkai atskleidė, kad kasdieninė kavos gerimas turi daugybę naudingų Ar mėsą reikia plauti prieš kepant? Nepasitikėkite, atsakymas jus nustebins! Rask 3 skirtumus per Akies taiklumas: kaip Vaikų elgesio vadovas: Plastikinių langų Sveika trijų ingredientų pusryčių receptas, kurį rekomenduoja mitybos specialistė Genialumas piešinyje: galvosūkis, kurį „Stiprūs protai su maistinine medžiaga Nr. 1“ „Du valikliai: 3 skirtumai, kurie Kaip padaryti, kad automobilio langai neprakaituotų: stebuklingas gyvenimo Kaip geriau Kas nutiks, jei išgersi per daug kavos? Išgąsdinantis atsakymas! Gydytojas patarė, kaip maistu kovoti su Kaip atsikratyti nugaros riebalų: 8 Jei ieškote naudingų patarimų ir idėjų, kaip pagerinti savo buitį, bendrauti su šeima arba pasirūpinti savo sodo augalais, tai tinkamas puslapis jums. Čia rasite įvairiausių gyvenimo gudrybių, virtuvės patarimų bei naudingų straipsnių apie daržoves ir vaisius. Skaitykite mūsų patarimus ir tapti tikru meistru savo namuose bei sode!